Green Zone Training

Green Zone Training is for faculty, students and staff who want to learn more about the military affiliated student experience. The goal is to train members of the UNI community to know more about the issues and concerns faced by military affiliated students, and to identify individuals who are available to support them. They are individuals who can lend a sympathetic ear, and direct the student veteran to the appropriate resources. To register, please fill out the web form below.

Maucker Union Upper Plaza Conference Room 111J

1 pm to 2 pm

September 26, 2024
November 7, 2024
February  13, 2025
April 10, 2025

Contact Information
Name: Henry Korf
Phone: 319-273-3040

Green Zone Training

If you are a community member without a UNI ID, please write 000000.
Please select the date and time you would prefer to attend. 
We encourage individuals with disabilities to participate in the Safe Zone Ally training. If you are a person with a disability, please let us know in advance how we can work together to ensure your equal participation. Examples may include transcripts of videos, larger size text on printouts, or a particular seat. Feel free to contact us for more specific clarification. 
(ex., social media, GSS newsletter, department email, word of mouth, etc.)