Veteran Support at UNI

We are a military-friendly school that provides a comprehensive approach to facilitating continuing education opportunities for our nation's active duty, reserves, Veterans, and military dependents.

Military & Veteran Student Services helps with tangible support programs (internal and external) that provide logistical and financial support services or referrals to minimize stress.

Military & Veteran Student Services (MVSS)

Helps to assist with bridging the gap from the military to civilian life by providing a "familiar/experienced" Veteran person whom new Veteran students can seek help from.

This person has made the transition, gone through the same process, and successfully navigated this path. They also act as liaisons and provide translation from one culture to another at a minimum.

Henry Korf
MVSS Coordinator
319-273-3040 or 

VA Certifying Officers

Responsible for assisting new and continuing Military and Veteran students throughout their UNI enrollment by reporting student record data to the VA for processing of Veteran education funding. They certify VA educational benefit programs - VA educational benefits Chapter 33 Post 9/11, Chapter 30, Guard/Reserve Chapter 1606, Dependents Education Assistance Chapter 35, And VA Veteran Readiness & Employment (VRE) Chapter 31. 


Carol Squires (A-H)

‌April Schmiesing (I - R)

‌Michelle Kline (S -Z)

Student Accessibility Services 

‌The University of Northern Iowa complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Fair Housing Act, and other applicable federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.

The ADAAA is a federal civil rights statute that supports the rights of individuals with disabilities to access employment, state and local government programs and services, and public services. It is the policy of UNI for students with disabilities to register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to access these rights and to determine eligibility for accommodations.

SAS takes into consideration the student’s personal narrative of their experience of barriers, past accommodation history and supporting documentation related to their condition when making accommodation determinations.

Student Accessibility Services views disabilities as an integral part of the rich community at the University of Northern Iowa. To that end, we work collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to create an accessible educational environment for students. We do this by:

  • Acknowledging disability as an aspect of human existence;
  • Cultivating awareness of the environment’s disabling barriers;
  • Collaborating on and proactively facilitating accessible environments and experiences;
  • Educating faculty and staff to create and maintain access in their spheres of influence;
  • Shifting to an inclusive-minded attitude;
  • Supplementing with reasonable accommodations to ensure access.

Should you have any questions about services or need clarification on the information presented, please contact 319-273-2332 (deaf or hard-of-hearing, use Relay 711), fax 319-273-5832 or    

Graduation Cords

Graduation Cords are available in the Veteran Center for military and Veteran students who are graduatingThe braided honor cord is red, white, and blue, which is often worn to designate that someone is a member of the armed forces, is a military Veteran, or is a member of the SALUTE National Honor Society.